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![]() Server : Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/7.4.20 System : Linux st2.domain.com 3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 3 14:28:03 UTC 2020 x86_64 User : apache ( 48) PHP Version : 7.4.20 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /opt/libreoffice6.4/share/wizards/ |
# # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed # with this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache # License, Version 2.0 (the "License; you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . # # x-no-translate # # resources.properties # # resources for com.sun.star.wizards # RID_COMMON_0='%1' jildini yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Diskda yetarli bo\u02BBsh joy qolmagan bo\u02BBlishi mumkin. RID_COMMON_1=Matn hujjatini yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Iltimos 'PRODUCTNAME Writer' moduli o\u02BBrnatilganligini tekshirib ko\u02BBring. RID_COMMON_2=Elektron jadval hujjatini yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Iltimos 'PRODUCTNAME Calc' moduli o\u02BBrnatilganligini tekshirib ko\u02BBring. RID_COMMON_3=Namoyish hujjatini yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Iltimos 'PRODUCTNAME Impress' moduli o\u02BBrnatilganligini tekshirib ko\u02BBring. RID_COMMON_4=Chizmani yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Iltimos 'PRODUCTNAME Draw' moduli o\u02BBrnatilganligini tekshirib ko\u02BBring. RID_COMMON_5=Formulani yaratib bo\u02BBlmaydi.<BR>Iltimos 'PRODUCTNAME Math' moduli o\u02BBrnatilganligini tekshirib ko\u02BBring. RID_COMMON_6=The files required could not be found.<BR>Please start the %PRODUCTNAME Setup and choose 'Repair'. RID_COMMON_7='<PATH>' fayli allaqachon mavjud.<BR><BR>Mavjud faylni almashtirishni istaysizmi? RID_COMMON_8=Ha RID_COMMON_9=Hammasiga ha RID_COMMON_10=Yo\u02BBq RID_COMMON_11=Bekor qilish RID_COMMON_12=~Tayyor RID_COMMON_13=< ~Orqaga RID_COMMON_14=~Keyingi > RID_COMMON_15=~Yordam RID_COMMON_16=Bosqichlar RID_COMMON_17=Yopish RID_COMMON_18=OK RID_COMMON_19=Fayli allaqachon mavjud. Uni almashtirishni istaysizmi? RID_COMMON_20=Shablon <wizard_name> yordamida <current_date> sanada yaratildi. RID_COMMON_21=The wizard could not be run, because important files were not found.\nUnder 'Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Paths' click the 'Default' button to reset the paths to the original default settings.\nThen run the wizard again. RID_REPORT_0=Hisobot tuzish ustasi RID_REPORT_3=~Jadval RID_REPORT_4=Us~tunlar RID_REPORT_7=Hisobot_ RID_REPORT_8=- undefined - RID_REPORT_9=Hisobotdagi ~maydonlar RID_REPORT_11=Guruhlashlar RID_REPORT_12=Saralash moslamalari RID_REPORT_13=Choose layout RID_REPORT_14=Create report RID_REPORT_15=Layout of data RID_REPORT_16=Layout of headers and footers RID_REPORT_19=Fields RID_REPORT_20=~Saralash RID_REPORT_21=Keyin RID_REPORT_22=Joylashishi RID_REPORT_23=Uzunasiga RID_REPORT_24=Eniga RID_REPORT_28=Hisobotingizda qaysi maydon bo\u02BBlishini istaysiz? RID_REPORT_29=Guruhlash darajasini qo\u02BBshishni istaysizmi? RID_REPORT_30=According to which fields do you want to sort the data? RID_REPORT_31=Hisobot ko\u02BBrinishi qanday bo\u02BBlishini istaysiz? RID_REPORT_32=Decide how you want to proceed RID_REPORT_33=Hisobotning sarlavhasi RID_REPORT_34=Hisobotni ko\u02BBrsatish RID_REPORT_35=Create report RID_REPORT_36=Ascending RID_REPORT_37=Descending RID_REPORT_40=~Dinamik hisobot RID_REPORT_41=~Create report now RID_REPORT_42=~Modify report layout RID_REPORT_43=Static report RID_REPORT_44=Save as RID_REPORT_50=Guruhlashlar RID_REPORT_51=Key~in RID_REPORT_52=~Then by RID_REPORT_53=Ko\u02BB~payish RID_REPORT_54=Ko\u02BBp~ayish RID_REPORT_55=Ko\u02BBpay~ish RID_REPORT_56=Kamayish RID_REPORT_57=Ka~mayish RID_REPORT_58=Kamayish RID_REPORT_60=Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report. RID_REPORT_61='<TABLENAME>' nomli jadval mavjud emas. RID_REPORT_62=Hisobot yaratilmoqda... RID_REPORT_63=Qo\u02BByilgan yozuvlar soni: <COUNT> RID_REPORT_64='<REPORTFORM>' nomli forma mavjud emas. RID_REPORT_65=The query with the statement <BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR> could not be run. <BR> Check your data source. RID_REPORT_66=The following hidden control in the form '<REPORTFORM>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'. RID_REPORT_67=Ma\u02BClumot import qilinmoqda... RID_REPORT_68=Labeling fields RID_REPORT_69=How do you want to label the fields? RID_REPORT_70=Yorliq RID_REPORT_71=Maydon RID_REPORT_72=An error occurred in the wizard.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template. RID_REPORT_73=There is an invalid user field in a table. RID_REPORT_74=The sort criterion '<FIELDNAME>' was chosen twice. Each criterion can only be chosen once. RID_REPORT_75=Note: The dummy text will be replaced by data from the database when the report is created. RID_REPORT_76=A report '%REPORTNAME' already exists in the database. Please assign another name. RID_REPORT_78=Hisobot yaratilgandan so\u02BBng nima qilishni istaysiz? RID_REPORT_79=Qanaqa hisobot yaratishni istaysiz? RID_REPORT_80=Tabular RID_REPORT_81=Columnar, single-column RID_REPORT_82=Columnar, two columns RID_REPORT_83=Columnar, three columns RID_REPORT_84=In blocks, labels left RID_REPORT_85=In blocks, labels above RID_REPORT_86=Title: RID_REPORT_87=Muallif: RID_REPORT_88=Sana: # Please don't translate the words #page# and #count#, these are placeholders. RID_REPORT_89=Sahofa #page# / #count# RID_REPORT_90=Sahifa raqami: RID_REPORT_91=Sahifa soni: RID_REPORT_92=Yaroqli hisobot shabloni topilmadi. RID_REPORT_93=Page: RID_REPORT_94=Align Left - Border RID_REPORT_95=Align Left - Compact RID_REPORT_96=Align Left - Elegant RID_REPORT_97=Align Left - Highlighted RID_REPORT_98=Align Left - Modern RID_REPORT_99=Align Left - Red & Blue RID_REPORT_100=Default RID_REPORT_101=Outline - Borders RID_REPORT_102=Outline - Compact RID_REPORT_103=Outline - Elegant RID_REPORT_104=Outline - Highlighted RID_REPORT_105=Outline - Modern RID_REPORT_106=Outline - Red & Blue RID_REPORT_107=Outline, indented - Borders RID_REPORT_108=Outline, indented - Compact RID_REPORT_109=Outline, indented - Elegant RID_REPORT_110=Outline, indented - Highlighted RID_REPORT_111=Outline, indented - Modern RID_REPORT_112=Outline, indented - Red & Blue RID_REPORT_113=Bubbles RID_REPORT_114=Cinema RID_REPORT_115=Controlling RID_REPORT_116=Default RID_REPORT_117=Drafting RID_REPORT_118=Moliya RID_REPORT_119=Flipchart RID_REPORT_120=Formal with Company Logo RID_REPORT_121=Generic RID_REPORT_122=Worldmap RID_DB_COMMON_0=~Yaratish RID_DB_COMMON_1=~Bekor qilish RID_DB_COMMON_2=< ~Orqaga RID_DB_COMMON_3=~Keyingi > RID_DB_COMMON_4=~Ma\u02BClumot bazasi RID_DB_COMMON_5=Jadvalning ~nomi RID_DB_COMMON_6=Ustani ishga tushirish davrida xatolik yuz berdi. Usta to\u02BBxtatiladi. RID_DB_COMMON_8=No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the wizard for forms can be started. RID_DB_COMMON_9=The database does not contain any tables. RID_DB_COMMON_10=This title already exists in the database. Please enter another name. RID_DB_COMMON_11=The title must not contain any spaces or special characters. RID_DB_COMMON_12=The database service (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be instantiated. RID_DB_COMMON_13=The selected table or query could not be opened. RID_DB_COMMON_14=Ma\u02BClumot bazasi bilan aloqa o\u02BBrnatilmagan. RID_DB_COMMON_20=~Yordam RID_DB_COMMON_21=~To\u02BBxtatish RID_DB_COMMON_30=Hujjatni saqlab bo\u02BBlmadi. RID_DB_COMMON_33=Ustadan chiqish RID_DB_COMMON_34=Ma\u02BClumot manbasi bilan aloqa o\u02BBrnatilmoqda... RID_DB_COMMON_35=Ma\u02BClumot manbasi bilan aloqa o\u02BBrnatib bo\u02BBlmadi. RID_DB_COMMON_36=Kiritilgan fayl manzili mavjud emas. RID_DB_COMMON_37=Iltimos ma\u02BClumot manbasini tanlang RID_DB_COMMON_38=Iltimos jadval yoki so\u02BBrovni tanlang RID_DB_COMMON_39=Maydonni qo\u02BBshish RID_DB_COMMON_40=Maydonni olib tashlash RID_DB_COMMON_41=Hamma maydonlarni qo\u02BBshish RID_DB_COMMON_42=Hamma maydonlarni olib tashlash RID_DB_COMMON_43=Maydonni yuqoriga ko\u02BBchirish RID_DB_COMMON_44=Maydonni pastga ko\u02BBchirish RID_DB_COMMON_45='%NAME' 'dan maydon nomlarini olib bo\u02BBlmadi. RID_QUERY_0=So\u02BBrov ustasi RID_QUERY_1=So\u02BBrov RID_QUERY_2=So\u02BBrov ustasi RID_QUERY_3=~Jadvallar RID_QUERY_4=~Mavjud maydonlar RID_QUERY_5=So\u02BBrov~ning nomi RID_QUERY_6=Display ~Query RID_QUERY_7=So\u02BBrovni ~o\u02BBzgartirish RID_QUERY_8=So\u02BBrov yaratilgandan so\u02BBng ~nima qilishni istaysiz? RID_QUERY_9=Match ~all of the following RID_QUERY_10=~Match any of the following RID_QUERY_11=~Detailed query (Shows all records of the query.) RID_QUERY_12=~Summary query (Shows only results of aggregate functions.) RID_QUERY_16=Aggregate functions RID_QUERY_17=Fields RID_QUERY_18=~Guruhlash RID_QUERY_19=Maydon RID_QUERY_20=Taxallus RID_QUERY_21=Table: RID_QUERY_22=Query: RID_QUERY_24=Shart RID_QUERY_25=Value RID_QUERY_26=teng RID_QUERY_27=teng emas RID_QUERY_28=is smaller than RID_QUERY_29=is greater than RID_QUERY_30=is equal or less than RID_QUERY_31=is equal or greater than RID_QUERY_32=like RID_QUERY_33=not like RID_QUERY_34=is null RID_QUERY_35=is not null RID_QUERY_36=true RID_QUERY_37=false RID_QUERY_38=va RID_QUERY_39=yoki RID_QUERY_40=get the sum of RID_QUERY_41=get the average of RID_QUERY_42=get the minimum of RID_QUERY_43=get the maximum of RID_QUERY_44=get the count of RID_QUERY_48=(yo\u02BBq) RID_QUERY_50=Fie~lds in the Query: RID_QUERY_51=Sorting order: RID_QUERY_52=No sorting fields were assigned. RID_QUERY_53=Search conditions: RID_QUERY_54=No conditions were assigned. RID_QUERY_55=Aggregate functions: RID_QUERY_56=No aggregate functions were assigned. RID_QUERY_57=Grouped by: RID_QUERY_58=No Groups were assigned. RID_QUERY_59=Grouping conditions: RID_QUERY_60=No grouping conditions were assigned. RID_QUERY_70=Select the fields (columns) for your query RID_QUERY_71=Saralash qoidasini tanlang RID_QUERY_72=Select the search conditions RID_QUERY_73=So\u02BBrov turini tanlang RID_QUERY_74=Guruhlarni tanlang RID_QUERY_75=Select the grouping conditions RID_QUERY_76=Assign aliases if desired RID_QUERY_77=Check the overview and decide how to proceed RID_QUERY_80=Field selection RID_QUERY_81=Saralash qoidasi RID_QUERY_82=Search conditions RID_QUERY_83=Detail or summary RID_QUERY_84=Guruhlashlar RID_QUERY_85=Guruhlash qoidasi RID_QUERY_86=Aliases RID_QUERY_87=Oldindan ko\u02BBrib chiqish RID_QUERY_88=A field that has not been assigned an aggregate function must be used in a group. RID_QUERY_89=The condition '<FIELDNAME> <LOGICOPERATOR> <VALUE>' was chosen twice. Each condition can only be chosen once RID_QUERY_90=The aggregate function <FUNCTION> has been assigned twice to the fieldname '<NUMERICFIELD>'. RID_QUERY_91=, RID_QUERY_92=<FIELDTITLE> (<FIELDNAME>) RID_QUERY_93=<FIELDNAME> (<SORTMODE>) RID_QUERY_94=<FIELDNAME> <LOGICOPERATOR> <VALUE> RID_QUERY_95=<CALCULATEDFUNCTION> <FIELDNAME> RID_QUERY_96=<FIELDNAME> <LOGICOPERATOR> <VALUE> RID_FORM_0=Forma tuzish ustasi RID_FORM_1=Formadagi ~maydonlar RID_FORM_2=Binary fields are always listed and selectable from the left list.\nIf possible, they are interpreted as images. RID_FORM_3=A subform is a form that is inserted in another form.\nUse subforms to show data from tables or queries with a one-to-many relationship. RID_FORM_4=~Add Subform RID_FORM_5=~Subform based on existing relation RID_FORM_6=Jadvallar yoki so\u02BBrovlar RID_FORM_7=Subform based on ~manual selection of fields RID_FORM_8=~Which relation do you want to add? RID_FORM_9=Formadagi ~maydonlar RID_FORM_12=~Mavjud maydonlar RID_FORM_13=Formadagi maydonlar RID_FORM_19=The join '<FIELDNAME1>' and '<FIELDNAME2>' has been selected twice.\nBut joins may only be used once. RID_FORM_20=~First joined subform field RID_FORM_21=~Second joined subform field RID_FORM_22=~Third joined subform field RID_FORM_23=~Fourth joined subform field RID_FORM_24=F~irst joined main form field RID_FORM_25=S~econd joined main form field RID_FORM_26=T~hird joined main form field RID_FORM_27=F~ourth joined main form field RID_FORM_28=Maydon chegarasi RID_FORM_29=Chegarasiz RID_FORM_30=3D ko\u02BBrinish RID_FORM_31=Yassi RID_FORM_32=Yorliqni joylashtirish RID_FORM_33=Chap tomonga tekislash RID_FORM_34=O\u02BBng tomonga tekislash RID_FORM_35=Arrangement of DB fields RID_FORM_36=Columnar - Labels Left RID_FORM_37=Columnar - Labels on Top RID_FORM_38=In Blocks - Labels Left RID_FORM_39=In Blocks - Labels Above RID_FORM_40=As Data Sheet RID_FORM_41=Arrangement of the main form RID_FORM_42=Arrangement of the subform RID_FORM_44=The form is to be ~used for entering new data only. RID_FORM_45=Existing data will not be displayed RID_FORM_46=T~he form is to display all data RID_FORM_47=Do not allow ~modification of existing data RID_FORM_48=Do not allow ~deletion of existing data RID_FORM_49=Do not allow ~addition of new data RID_FORM_50=Name of ~the form RID_FORM_51=Hisobot yaratilgandan so\u02BBng nima qilishni istaysiz? RID_FORM_52=Forma bilan ~ishlash RID_FORM_53=Formani ~o\u02BBzgartirish RID_FORM_55=Be~tning uslublari RID_FORM_80=Field selection RID_FORM_81=Set up a subform RID_FORM_82=Add subform fields RID_FORM_83=Get joined fields RID_FORM_84=Arrange controls RID_FORM_85=Set data entry RID_FORM_86=Uslublarni qo\u02BBllash RID_FORM_87=Set name RID_FORM_88=(Sana) RID_FORM_89=(Vaqt) RID_FORM_90=Select the fields of your form RID_FORM_91=Decide if you want to set up a subform RID_FORM_92=Select the fields of your subform RID_FORM_93=Select the joins between your forms RID_FORM_94=Arrange the controls on your form RID_FORM_95=Select the data entry mode RID_FORM_96=Apply the style of your form RID_FORM_97=Set the name of the form RID_FORM_98=A form with the name '%FORMNAME' already exists.\nChoose another name. RID_TABLE_1=Jadval ustasi RID_TABLE_2=Maydonlarni tanlash RID_TABLE_3=Tur va formatlarni tanlash RID_TABLE_4=Birinchi darajali kalit tanlash RID_TABLE_5=Jadvalni yaratish RID_TABLE_8=Jadval uchun maydon tanlang RID_TABLE_9=Maydon turlari va formatlarni tanlash RID_TABLE_10=Birinchi darajali kalit tanlash RID_TABLE_11=Jadvalni yaratish RID_TABLE_14=This wizard helps you to create a table for your database. After selecting a table category and a sample table, choose the fields you want to include in your table. You can include fields from more than one sample table. RID_TABLE_15=Tu~rkum RID_TABLE_16=B~usiness RID_TABLE_17=Sh~axsiy RID_TABLE_18=~Namuna jadvallar RID_TABLE_19=~Mavjud maydonlar RID_TABLE_20=Maydon ma\u02BClumotlari RID_TABLE_21=+ RID_TABLE_22=- RID_TABLE_23=Field name RID_TABLE_24=Maydonning turi RID_TABLE_25=~Tanlangan maydonlar RID_TABLE_26=A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a database table. Primary keys ease the linking of information in separate tables, and it is recommended that you have a primary key in every table. Without a primary key, it will not be possible to enter data into this table. RID_TABLE_27=Birinchi darajali kalit ~yaratish RID_TABLE_28=Birinchi darajali kalitni ~avtomatik qo\u02BBshish RID_TABLE_29=Mavjud maydondan birinchi darajali kalit sifatida ~foydalanish RID_TABLE_30=Define p~rimary key as a combination of several fields RID_TABLE_31=M~aydonning nomi RID_TABLE_32=~Birinchi darajali kalit maydonlari RID_TABLE_33=Avto ~qiymt RID_TABLE_34=Jadvalga qanday nom bermoqchisiz? RID_TABLE_35=Tabriklaymiz. Siz jadval yaratish uchun kerakli barcha ma\u02BClumotlarni kiritdingiz. RID_TABLE_36=Keyin nima qilishni istaysiz? RID_TABLE_37=Jadval ko\u02BBrinishini o\u02BBzgartirish RID_TABLE_38=Ma'lumotni darhol kiritish RID_TABLE_39=Ushbu jadval asosida forma ~hosil qilish RID_TABLE_40=Siz yaratgan jadvalni ochib bo\u02BBlmaydi. RID_TABLE_41=The table name '%TABLENAME' contains a character ('%SPECIALCHAR') that might not be supported by the database. RID_TABLE_42=The field name '%FIELDNAME' contains a special character ('%SPECIALCHAR') that might not be supported by the database. RID_TABLE_43=Maydon RID_TABLE_44=MeningJadvalim RID_TABLE_45=Maydon qo\u02BBshish RID_TABLE_46=Tanlangan maydonni olib tashlash RID_TABLE_47=The field cannot be inserted because this would exceed the maximum number of %COUNT possible fields in the database table RID_TABLE_48=The name '%TABLENAME' already exists.\nPlease enter another name. RID_TABLE_49=Jadvalning katalogi RID_TABLE_50=Jadvalning qolipi RID_TABLE_51='%FIELDNAME' maydoni allaqachon mavjud. STEP_ZERO_0=~Bekor qilish STEP_ZERO_1=~Yordam STEP_ZERO_2=< ~Orqaga STEP_ZERO_3=~Aylantirish STEP_ZERO_4=Note: Currency amounts from external links and currency conversion factors in formulas cannot be converted. STEP_ZERO_5=Avval, hamma kataklarni himoyadan oching. STEP_ZERO_6=Pul belgilari: STEP_ZERO_7=C~ontinue > STEP_ZERO_8=Yo~pish STEP_CONVERTER_0=~Butun hujjat STEP_CONVERTER_1=Tanlash STEP_CONVERTER_2=Katakning us~lublari STEP_CONVERTER_3=Joriy ~varaqdagi pul belgisi kataglari STEP_CONVERTER_4=Butun ~hujjatdagi pul belgisi kataklari STEP_CONVERTER_5=~Tanlangan oraliq STEP_CONVERTER_6=Katakning uslubini tanlang STEP_CONVERTER_7=Valyuta kataklarini tanlang STEP_CONVERTER_8=Valyuta oraliqlari: STEP_CONVERTER_9=Shablonlar: STEP_AUTOPILOT_0=Extent STEP_AUTOPILOT_1=~Single %PRODUCTNAME Calc document STEP_AUTOPILOT_2=Butun ~jild STEP_AUTOPILOT_3=Manba hujjati: STEP_AUTOPILOT_4=Manba jildi: STEP_AUTOPILOT_5=Quyi ji~ldlar bilan STEP_AUTOPILOT_6=Mo\u02BBljal jild: STEP_AUTOPILOT_7=Jadvalni so\u02BBrovsiz vaqtincha himoyalashdan bekor qilish STEP_AUTOPILOT_10=Matn hujjatlaridagi jadvallar va maydonlarni ham aylantirish STATUSLINE_0=Conversion status: STATUSLINE_1=Conversion status of the cell templates: STATUSLINE_2=Registration of the relevant ranges: Sheet %1Number%1 of %2TotPageCount%2 STATUSLINE_3=Entry of the ranges to be converted... STATUSLINE_4=Sheet protection for each sheet will be restored... STATUSLINE_5=Conversion of the currency units in the cell templates... MESSAGES_0=~Tayyor MESSAGES_1=Jildni tanlash MESSAGES_2=Faylni tanlash MESSAGES_3=Mo\u02BBljal jildni tanlang MESSAGES_4=non-existent MESSAGES_5=Yevro konverter MESSAGES_6=Should protected spreadsheets be temporarily unprotected? MESSAGES_7=Enter the password to unprotect the table %1TableName%1 MESSAGES_8=Maxfiy so\u02BBz noto\u02BBg\u02BBri! MESSAGES_9=Himoyalangan varaq MESSAGES_10=Diqqat! MESSAGES_11=Protection for the sheets will not be removed. MESSAGES_12=Varaqni himoyadan ochib bo\u02BBlmaydi MESSAGES_13=The Wizard cannot edit this document as cell formats cannot be modified in documents containing protected spreadsheets. MESSAGES_14=Please note that the Euro Converter will, otherwise, not be able to edit this document! MESSAGES_15=Please choose a currency to be converted first! MESSAGES_16=Maxfiy so\u02BBz: MESSAGES_17=OK MESSAGES_18=Bekor qilish MESSAGES_19=Iltimos tahrirlash uchun %PRODUCTNAME Calc hujjatini tanlang! MESSAGES_20='<1>' jild emas! MESSAGES_21=Hujjat faqat o\u02BBqish uchun! MESSAGES_22='<1>' fayli allaqachon mavjud.<CR>Uni almashtirishni istaysizmi? MESSAGES_23=Aylantirish jarayonini shu nuqtada to\u02BBxtatmoqchimisiz? MESSAGES_24=Ustani bekor qilish CURRENCIES_0=Portugaliya eskudosi CURRENCIES_1=Dutch Guilder CURRENCIES_2=Fransiya franki CURRENCIES_3=Ispan p\u02BCesosi CURRENCIES_4=Italiya lirasi CURRENCIES_5=Nemis markasi CURRENCIES_6=Belgiya franki CURRENCIES_7=Irish Punt CURRENCIES_8=Lyuksemburg franki CURRENCIES_9=Avstriya shillingi CURRENCIES_10=Fin markasi CURRENCIES_11=Yunon draxmasi CURRENCIES_12=Sloveniya tolari CURRENCIES_13=Cypriot Pound CURRENCIES_14=Maltese Lira CURRENCIES_15=Slovak Koruna CURRENCIES_16=Estonian Kroon CURRENCIES_17=Latvian Lats CURRENCIES_18=Lithuanian Litas STEP_LASTPAGE_0=Jarayon STEP_LASTPAGE_1=Kerak bo\u02BBlgan hujjatlar olinmoqda... STEP_LASTPAGE_2=Hujjatlar aylantirilmoqda... STEP_LASTPAGE_3=Moslamalar: STEP_LASTPAGE_4=Varaq doim himoyasiz STYLES_0=Mavzu tanlash STYLES_1=Hujjatni klipbordga saqlab bo\u02BBlmadi. Quyidagi amalni bekor qilib bo\u02BBlmaydi. STYLES_2=~Bekor qilish STYLES_3=~Ok STYLENAME_0=(Standard) STYLENAME_1=Kuzgi yaproqlar STYLENAME_2=Bo\u2018lmoq STYLENAME_3=Oq-qora STYLENAME_4=Qulupnay butasi STYLENAME_5=Ko\u2018k jinsi STYLENAME_6=Elliginchi yillar tushligi STYLENAME_7=Muzlik STYLENAME_8=Yashil uzumlar STYLENAME_9=Dengiz floti STYLENAME_10=Ming yillik STYLENAME_11=Tabiat STYLENAME_12=Neon STYLENAME_13=Tun STYLENAME_14=PC bulbul STYLENAME_15=Pastel STYLENAME_16=Hovuzdagi kecha STYLENAME_17=Qovoq CorrespondenceDialog_0=Oluvchi CorrespondenceDialog_1=Bitta qabul qiluvchi CorrespondenceDialog_2=Bir nechta oluvchilar (manzillar ma\u02BClumot bazasi) CorrespondenceDialog_3=Ushbu shablondan foydalanish CorrespondenceMsgError=Xatolik. CorrespondenceFields_0=Click placeholder and overwrite CorrespondenceFields_1=Tashkilot CorrespondenceFields_2=Bo\u02BBlim CorrespondenceFields_3=Ismi CorrespondenceFields_4=Familiyasi CorrespondenceFields_5=Ko\u02BBcha CorrespondenceFields_6=Davlat CorrespondenceFields_7=Indeks CorrespondenceFields_8=Shahar CorrespondenceFields_9=Title CorrespondenceFields_10=Joylashishi CorrespondenceFields_11=Manzillar formasi CorrespondenceFields_12=Initsiallar CorrespondenceFields_13=Salomlashish CorrespondenceFields_14=Uy telefon CorrespondenceFields_15=Ish telefon CorrespondenceFields_16=Faks CorrespondenceFields_17=Elektron pochta CorrespondenceFields_18=URL CorrespondenceFields_19=Izohlar CorrespondenceFields_20=Qo\u02BBsh.maydon 1 CorrespondenceFields_21=Qo\u02BBsh.maydon 2 CorrespondenceFields_22=Qo\u02BBsh.maydon 3 CorrespondenceFields_23=Qo\u02BBsh.maydon 4 CorrespondenceFields_24=ID CorrespondenceFields_25=Viloyat CorrespondenceFields_26=Xizmat telefoni CorrespondenceFields_27=Peyjer CorrespondenceFields_28=Uyali telefon CorrespondenceFields_29=Qo\u02BBshimcha telefon CorrespondenceFields_30=Kalendar URL manzili CorrespondenceFields_31=Taklif qilish CorrespondenceNoTextmark_0='Oluvchi' xatcho\u02BBpi mavjud emas. CorrespondenceNoTextmark_1=Form letter fields can not be included. AgendaDlgName=Protokol shabloni AgendaDlgNoCancel=Opsiyani tasdiqlash lozim. AgendaDlgFrame=Protokol turi AgendaDlgButton1=Protokol natijalari AgendaDlgButton2=Evaluation Minutes TextField=Foydalanuvchi ma\u02BClumot maydoni aniqlanmagan! NoDirCreation=The '%1' directory cannot be created: MsgDirNotThere='%1' nomli jild mavjud emas. QueryfornewCreation=Uni yaratishni istaysizmi? HelpButton=~Yordam CancelButton=~Bekor qilish BackButton=< ~Orqaga NextButton=Ne~xt > BeginButton=~Aylantirish CloseButton=Yop~ish WelcometextLabel1=This wizard convert legacy format documents to Open Document Format for Office Applications. WelcometextLabel3=Aylantirish uchun hujjat turini tanlang: MSTemplateCheckbox_1_=Word shablonlari MSTemplateCheckbox_2_=Excel shablonlari MSTemplateCheckbox_3_=PowerPoint shablonlari MSDocumentCheckbox_1_=Word hujjatlari MSDocumentCheckbox_2_=Excel hujjatlari MSDocumentCheckbox_3_=PowerPoint/Publisher documents MSContainerName=Microsoft Office SummaryHeader=Hisobot: GroupnameDefault=Nmport qilingan_shablonlar ProgressMoreDocs=Hujjatlar ProgressMoreTemplates=Shablonlar FileExists='<1>' fayli allaqachon mavjud.<CR>Uni almashtirishni istaysizmi? MorePathsError3=Jildlar mavjud emas ConvertError1=Aylantirish jarayonini shu nuqtada to\u02BBxtatmoqchimisiz? ConvertError2=Ustani bekor qilish RTErrorDesc=An error has occurred in the wizard. RTErrorHeader=Xato OverwriteallFiles=Boshqa shaklga aylantirishni to\u02BBxtatmoqchimisiz? ReeditMacro=Document macro has to be revised. CouldNotsaveDocument='<1>' nomli hujjatni saqlab bo\u02BBlmadi. CouldNotopenDocument='<1>' nomli hujjatni ochib bo\u02BBlmadi. PathDialogMessage=Jildni tanlash DialogTitle=Hujjatni aylantirgich SearchInSubDir=Quyi jildlar bilan ProgressPage1=Jarayon ProgressPage2=Kerak bo\u02BBlgan hujjatlar olinmoqda: ProgressPage3=Hujjatlar aylantirilmoqda ProgressFound=Topildi: ProgressPage5="%1 found Ready=Tugadi SourceDocuments=Manba hujjatlar TargetDocuments=Mo\u02BBljal hujjatlar LogfileSummary=<COUNT> hujjat aylantirildi SumInclusiveSubDir=All subdirectories will be taken into account SumSaveDokumente=Bular quyidagi jildlarga eksport qilinadi: TextImportLabel=Imoprt qilish: TextExportLabel=Saqlash: CreateLogfile=Log faylini yaratish LogfileHelpText=Log fayli ish jildingizda yaratiladi ShowLogfile=Log faylini ko\u02BBrsatish SumMSTextDocuments=Quyidagi jilddagi hamma Word hujjatlari import qilinadi: SumMSTableDocuments=Quyidagi jilddagi hamma Excel hujjatlari import qilinadi: SumMSDrawDocuments=All PowerPoint/Publisher documents contained in the following directory will be imported: SumMSTextTemplates=Quyidagi jilddagi hamma Word shablonlari import qilinadi: SumMSTableTemplates=Quyidagi jilddagi hamma Excel shablonlari import qilinadi: SumMSDrawTemplates=Quyidagi jilddagi hamma PowerPoint shablonlari import qilinadi: