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![]() Server : Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/7.4.20 System : Linux st2.domain.com 3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 3 14:28:03 UTC 2020 x86_64 User : apache ( 48) PHP Version : 7.4.20 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/psexec/ |
/**This is the program that's uploaded to a Windows machine when psexec is run. It acts as a Windows * service, since that's what Windows expects. When it is started, it's passed a list of programs to * run. These programs are all expected to be at the indicated path (whether they were uploaded or * they were always present makes no difference). * * After running the programs, the output from each of them is ciphered with a simple xor encryption * (the encryption key is passed as a parameter; because it crosses the wire, it isn't really a * security feature, more of validation/obfuscation to prevent sniffers from grabbing the output. This * output is placed in a temp file. When the cipher is complete, the output is moved into a new file. * When Nmap detects the presence of this new file, it is downloaded, then all files, temp files, and * the service (this program) is deleted. * * One interesting note is that executable files don't require a specific extension to be used by this * program. By default, at the time of this writing, Nmap appends a .txt extension to the file. * * @args argv[1] The final filename where the ciphered output will go. * @args argv[2] The temporary file where output is sent before being renamed; this is sent as a parameter * so we can delete it later (if, say, the script fails). * @args argv[3] The number of programs that are going to be run. * @args argv[4] Logging: a boolean value (1 to enable logging, 0 to disable). * @args argv[5] An 'encryption' key for simple 'xor' encryption. This string can be as long or as short * as you want, but a longer string will be more secure (although this algorithm should * *never* really be considered secure). * @args Remaining There are two arguments for each program to run: a path (including arguments) and * environmental variables. * * @auther Ron Bowes * @copyright Ron Bowes * @license "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" */ #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> FILE *outfile; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hStatus; static char *enc_key; static int enc_key_loc; static void log_message(char *format, ...) { static int enabled = 1; if(!format) { enabled = 0; DeleteFile("c:\\nmap-log.txt"); } if(enabled) { va_list argp; FILE *file; fopen_s(&file, "c:\\nmap-log.txt", "a"); if(file != NULL) { va_start(argp, format); vfprintf(file, format, argp); va_end(argp); fprintf(file, "\n"); fclose(file); } } } static char cipher(char c) { if(strlen(enc_key) == 0) return c; c = c ^ enc_key[enc_key_loc]; enc_key_loc = (enc_key_loc + 1) % strlen(enc_key); return c; } static void output(int num, char *str, int length) { int i; if(length == -1) length = strlen(str); for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(str[i] == '\n') { fprintf(outfile, "%c", cipher('\n')); fprintf(outfile, "%c", cipher('0' + (num % 10))); } else { fprintf(outfile, "%c", cipher(str[i])); } } } static void go(int num, char *lpAppPath, char *env, int headless, int include_stderr, char *readfile) { STARTUPINFO startupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; HANDLE stdout_read, stdout_write; DWORD creation_flags; int bytes_read; char buffer[1024]; /* Create a security attributes structure. This is required to inherit handles. */ ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)); sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if(!headless) sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; /* Create a pipe that'll be used for stdout and stderr. */ if(!headless) CreatePipe(&stdout_read, &stdout_write, &sa, 1); /* Initialize the startup info struct. The most important part is setting the stdout/stderr handle to our pipe. */ ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); startupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); if(!headless) { startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; startupInfo.hStdOutput = stdout_write; if(include_stderr) startupInfo.hStdError = stdout_write; } /* Log a couple messages. */ log_message("Attempting to load the program: %s", lpAppPath); /* Initialize the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure. */ ZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); /* To divide the output from one program to the next */ output(num, "\n", -1); /* Decide on the creation flags */ creation_flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW; if(headless) creation_flags = DETACHED_PROCESS; /* Create the actual process with an overly-complicated CreateProcess function. */ if(!CreateProcess(NULL, lpAppPath, 0, &sa, sa.bInheritHandle, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, env, 0, &startupInfo, &processInformation)) { output(num, "Failed to create the process", -1); if(!headless) { CloseHandle(stdout_write); CloseHandle(stdout_read); } } else { log_message("Successfully created the process!"); /* Read the pipe, if it isn't headless */ if(!headless) { /* Close the write handle -- if we don't do this, the ReadFile() coming up gets stuck. */ CloseHandle(stdout_write); /* Read from the pipe. */ log_message("Attempting to read from the pipe"); while(ReadFile(stdout_read, buffer, 1023, &bytes_read, NULL)) { if(strlen(readfile) == 0) output(num, buffer, bytes_read); } CloseHandle(stdout_read); /* If we're reading an output file instead of stdout, do it here. */ if(strlen(readfile) > 0) { FILE *read; errno_t err; log_message("Trying to open output file: %s", readfile); err = fopen_s(&read, readfile, "rb"); if(err) { log_message("Couldn't open the readfile: %d", err); output(num, "Couldn't open the output file", -1); } else { char buf[1024]; int count; count = fread(buf, 1, 1024, read); while(count) { output(num, buf, count); count = fread(buf, 1, 1024, read); } fclose(read); } } } else { output(num, "Process has been created", -1); } log_message("Done!"); } } // Control handler function static void ControlHandler(DWORD request) { switch(request) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; default: break; } SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); } static void die(int err) { // Not enough arguments ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = err; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); } static void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv) { char *outfile_name; char *tempfile_name; int count; int logging; int result; int i; char *current_directory; /* Make sure we got the minimum number of arguments. */ if(argc < 6) return; /* Read the arguments. */ outfile_name = argv[1]; tempfile_name = argv[2]; count = atoi(argv[3]); logging = atoi(argv[4]); enc_key = argv[5]; enc_key_loc = 0; current_directory = argv[6]; /* If they didn't turn on logging, disable it. */ if(logging != 1) log_message(NULL); /* Log the state. */ log_message(""); log_message("-----------------------"); log_message("STARTING"); /* Log all the arguments. */ log_message("Arguments: %d\n", argc); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) log_message("Argument %d: %s", i, argv[i]); /* Set up the service. Likely unnecessary for what we're doing, but it doesn't hurt. */ ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler("", (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION)ControlHandler); SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); /* Registering Control Handler failed (this is a bit late, but eh?) */ if(hStatus == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { log_message("Service failed to start"); die(-1); return; } /* Set the current directory. */ SetCurrentDirectory(current_directory); /* Open the output file. */ log_message("Opening temporary output file: %s", tempfile_name); /* Open the outfile. */ if(result = fopen_s(&outfile, tempfile_name, "wb")) { log_message("Couldn't open output file: %d", result); die(-1); } else { /* Run the programs we were given. */ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { char *program = argv[(i*5) + 7]; char *env = argv[(i*5) + 8]; char *headless = argv[(i*5) + 9]; char *include_stderr = argv[(i*5) + 10]; char *read_file = argv[(i*5) + 11]; go(i, program, env, !strcmp(headless, "true"), !strcmp(include_stderr, "true"), read_file); } /* Close the output file. */ if(fclose(outfile)) log_message("Couldn't close the file: %d", errno); /* Rename the output file (this is what tells Nmap we're done. */ log_message("Renaming file %s => %s", tempfile_name, outfile_name); /* I noticed that sometimes, programs inherit the handle to the file (or something), so I can't change it right * away. For this reason, allow about 10 seconds to move it. */ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(rename(tempfile_name, outfile_name)) { log_message("Couldn't rename file: %d (will try %d more times)", errno, 10 - i - 1); } else { log_message("File successfully renamed!"); break; } Sleep(1000); } /* Clean up and stop the service. */ die(0); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[2]; ServiceTable[0].lpServiceName = ""; ServiceTable[0].lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain; ServiceTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL; ServiceTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL; // Start the control dispatcher thread for our service StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(ServiceTable); }