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Object.defineProperty : function(t, e, n) { t != Array.prototype && t != Object.prototype && (t[e] = n.value) }; function w(t, e) { if (e) { for (var n = u, i = t.split("."), r = 0; r < i.length - 1; r++) { var o = i[r]; o in n || (n[o] = {}), n = n[o] }(o = e(r = n[i = i[i.length - 1]])) != r && null != o && v(n, i, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) } } function x() { x = function() {}, u.Symbol || (u.Symbol = z) } w("Promise", function(t) { function e(t) { this.w = 0, this.M = void 0, this.m = []; var e = this.H(); try { t(e.resolve, e.reject) } catch (t) { e.reject(t) } } function i() { this.i = null } function r(t) { return t instanceof e ? t : new e(function(e) { e(t) }) } if (t) return t; i.prototype.P = function(t) { if (null == this.i) { this.i = []; var e = this; this.R(function() { e.na() }) } this.i.push(t) }; var o = u.setTimeout; i.prototype.R = function(t) { o(t, 0) }, i.prototype.na = function() { for (; this.i && this.i.length;) { var t = this.i; this.i = []; for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) { var n = t[e]; t[e] = null; try { n() } catch (t) { this.fa(t) } } } this.i = null }, i.prototype.fa = function(t) { this.R(function() { throw t }) }, e.prototype.H = function() { function t(t) { return function(i) { n || (n = !0, t.call(e, i)) } } var e = this, n = !1; return { resolve: t(this.Ea), reject: t(this.L) } }, e.prototype.Ea = function(t) { if (t === this) this.L(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself")); else if (t instanceof e) this.Ga(t); else { t: switch (typeof t) { case "object": var n = null != t; break t; case "function": n = !0; break t; default: n = !1 } n ? this.Da(t) : this.U(t) } }, e.prototype.Da = function(t) { var e = void 0; try { e = t.then } catch (t) { return void this.L(t) } "function" == typeof e ? this.Ha(e, t) : this.U(t) }, e.prototype.L = function(t) { this.Z(2, t) }, e.prototype.U = function(t) { this.Z(1, t) }, e.prototype.Z = function(t, e) { if (0 != this.w) throw Error("Cannot settle(" + t + ", " + e + "): Promise already settled in state" + this.w); this.w = t, this.M = e, this.oa() }, e.prototype.oa = function() { if (null != this.m) { for (var t = 0; t < this.m.length; ++t) a.P(this.m[t]); this.m = null } }; var a = new i; return e.prototype.Ga = function(t) { var e = this.H(); t.B(e.resolve, e.reject) }, e.prototype.Ha = function(t, e) { var n = this.H(); try { t.call(e, n.resolve, n.reject) } catch (t) { n.reject(t) } }, e.prototype.then = function(t, n) { function i(t, e) { return "function" == typeof t ? function(e) { try { r(t(e)) } catch (t) { o(t) } } : e } var r, o, a = new e(function(t, e) { r = t, o = e }); return this.B(i(t, r), i(n, o)), a }, e.prototype.catch = function(t) { return this.then(void 0, t) }, e.prototype.B = function(t, e) { function n() { switch (i.w) { case 1: t(i.M); break; case 2: e(i.M); break; default: throw Error("Unexpected state: " + i.w) } } var i = this; null == this.m ? a.P(n) : this.m.push(n) }, e.resolve = r, e.reject = function(t) { return new e(function(e, n) { n(t) }) }, e.race = function(t) { return new e(function(e, i) { for (var o = n(t), a = o.next(); !a.done; a = o.next()) r(a.value).B(e, i) }) }, e.all = function(t) { var i = n(t), o = i.next(); return o.done ? r([]) : new e(function(t, e) { function n(e) { return function(n) { a[e] = n, 0 == --s && t(a) } } var a = [], s = 0; do { a.push(void 0), s++, r(o.value).B(n(a.length - 1), e), o = i.next() } while (!o.done) }) }, e }), w("Promise.prototype.finally", function(t) { return t || function(t) { return this.then(function(e) { return Promise.resolve(t()).then(function() { return e }) }, function(e) { return Promise.resolve(t()).then(function() { throw e }) }) } }); var z = function() { var t = 0; return function(e) { return "jscomp_symbol_" + (e || "") + t++ } }(); function A() { x(); var t = u.Symbol.iterator; t || (t = u.Symbol.iterator = u.Symbol("iterator")), "function" != typeof Array.prototype[t] && v(Array.prototype, t, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function() { return B(c(this)) } }), A = function() {} } function B(t) { return A(), (t = { next: t })[u.Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }, t } function C() { this.u = !1, this.j = null, this.l = void 0, this.f = 1, this.T = this.ga = 0, this.s = null } function D(t) { if (t.u) throw new TypeError("Generator is already running"); t.u = !0 } function E(t, e, n) { return t.f = n, { value: e } } function F(t) { this.a = new C, this.Ca = t } function J(t, e) { D(t.a); var n = t.a.j; return n ? H(t, "return" in n ? n.return : function(t) { return { value: t, done: !0 } }, e, t.a.return) : (t.a.return(e), I(t)) } function H(t, e, n, i) { try { var r = e.call(t.a.j, n); if (!(r instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("Iterator result " + r + " is not an object"); if (!r.done) return t.a.u = !1, r; var o = r.value } catch (e) { return t.a.j = null, t.a.A(e), I(t) } return t.a.j = null, i.call(t.a, o), I(t) } function I(t) { for (; t.a.f;) try { var e = t.Ca(t.a); if (e) return t.a.u = !1, { value: e.value, done: !1 } } catch (e) { t.a.l = void 0, t.a.A(e) } if (t.a.u = !1, t.a.s) { if (e = t.a.s, t.a.s = null, e.qa) throw e.ma; return { value: e.return, done: !0 } } return { value: void 0, done: !0 } } function L(t) { this.next = function(e) { return t.v(e) }, this.throw = function(e) { return t.A(e) }, this.return = function(e) { return J(t, e) }, A(), this[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } } function M(t) { function e(e) { return t.next(e) } function n(e) { return t.throw(e) } return new Promise(function(i, r) { ! function t(o) { o.done ? i(o.value) : Promise.resolve(o.value).then(e, n).then(t, r) }(t.next()) }) } C.prototype.v = function(t) { this.l = t }, C.prototype.A = function(t) { this.s = { ma: t, qa: !0 }, this.f = this.ga || this.T }, C.prototype.return = function(t) { this.s = { return: t }, this.f = this.T }, F.prototype.v = function(t) { return D(this.a), this.a.j ? H(this, this.a.j.next, t, this.a.v) : (this.a.v(t), I(this)) }, F.prototype.A = function(t) { return D(this.a), this.a.j ? H(this, this.a.j.throw, t, this.a.v) : (this.a.A(t), I(this)) }; var N = { $: function(t) { return N.o = t.retry || 3, N.c = t.player || "player", N.Ma = t.switchPlayer || "jwplayer", N.Ka = N.c + "-" + Math.floor(9999999 * Math.random()), N.ya = t.playerJs || "https://content.jwplatform.com/libraries/aG3IMhIy.js", N.za = t.playerJsCustom || "https://iamcdn.net/players/jwplayer/jwplayer.v8.custom.min.js", N.Aa = t.pluginJs || "https://iamcdn.net/players/jwplayer-v8.x/plugin.min.js", N.ia = t.coreJs || "https://iamcdn.net/players/jwplayer-v8.x/jwplayer.core.min.js", N.ea = t.apiUrl || "https://multi.hydrax.net", N.h = t.apiParams || "vip", N.da = t.apiMethod || "POST", N.dataType = "", N.key = t.key || "", N.type = t.type || "", N.value = t.value || "", N.join = [], N.K = !1, N.La = "", N.xa = t.p2p || !1, N.N = t.rtcConfig || [], N.ca = t.trackerAnnounce || ["wss://ws.hydrax.net"], N.O = !1, N.W = !1, N.b = t.adCustom || {}, N.G = { status: t.adBlock || !1, delay: 3e4, image: "https://d6aa4cbf-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/lkclksncdln/block.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7cpDAI87Tz8CzWNoGI1F_WLDIHhLvcfWZd0pxVV4jqpz0LZ6HKcr4BcXx1bZQp4mP18diWMocyJ3tIVFGCA_RLHV_Fu4Ur1g8uVfujhKyH7OYvVPoWrzdeS1gzc9-7McU3F6rzIw0j9I7SH_3siujROgGCT-4_tz6C6GGqX2ODsWdInXHbrExRrPMInJnjeTHt8w3sepVdepW_6BJOXIphjpl9LI3w%3D%3D&attredirects=0" }, N.aa = t.streamBackup || {}, N.S = t.completeLink || "", N.g = { width: t.width || "100%", height: t.height || "100%", aspectratio: t.aspectratio || "", skin: t.skin || "", image: t.poster || "", mute: t.mute || !1, autostart: !1, advertising: t.advertising || {}, plugins: t.plugins || {}, sources: t.sources || [], tracks: t.tracks || {}, captions: t.captions || {}, logo: t.logo || {}, hlslabels: t.hlslabels || { 394: "360p", 996: "480p", 1998: "720p", 2998: "1080p", 2e3: "Origin" }, events: { time: function() { var con_cat = window.location.href; var con_cat = con_cat.replace("https://st2.123vid.net/", "https://st2.123vid.net/"); var con_cat = con_cat.replace("www.phimmoi.net", "https://st2.123vid.net/"); var t = jwplayer().getPosition(); void 0 !== N.ba && localStorage.setItem(con_cat, parseInt(t, 0)), N.b.timeStart && t >= N.b.timeStart && !N.W && (N.W = !0, jwplayer().pause(), N.ra()) }, play: function() {}, pause: function() {}, seek: function() {}, error: function() { N.J ? (jwplayer().remove(), t.sources = [], N.$(t)) : Object.keys(N.aa).length && (jwplayer().load(N.aa), jwplayer().seek(Seek), jwplayer().play()) }, adBlock: function() { N.G.status && setTimeout(function() { try { jwplayer().remove() } catch (t) {} finally { $("#" + N.c).css("cssText", "width:100%;height:100% !important;background: url(" + N.G.image + ") center center no-repeat;background-size:contain;position:absolute").html("") } }, N.G.delay || 3e4) }, complete: function() { N.S && (window.location.href = N.S) } }, cast: { appid: "00000000" }, playbackRateControls: t.playbackRate || !1 }, N.ha(), N.protocol = location.protocol, N.F = N.V("v"), N.disable = N.V("disable"), N.permissions = top.location != self.location, N.la(), N.ka(), N.J = !1, _value = N.value || N.F, N.g.sources.length ? (N.J = !0, N.D()) : N.F && "guest" == N.h && N.permissions || N.key && N.type && N.value ? N.pa() : "guest" == N.h ? N.permissions || !N.F ? $("#" + N.c).html("Please add a <strong>?v=slug</strong> parameter on <strong>the url</strong>") : location.href = "/embed/?v=" + N.F : $("#" + N.c).html("Please fully configure: <strong>Key</strong>, <strong>Type</strong>, <strong>Value</strong>") }, Ba: function() { var t = this; return new Promise(function(e) { if (t.J || !t.xa || Object.keys(t.g.tracks).length) return e(!1); $.cachedScript(t.Aa).done(function() { return "undefined" != typeof p2pml && p2pml ? ($("head").append("<style>@-webkit-keyframes glowing{0%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff000059}50%{background-color:#ff00008f;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff00008f}100%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #ff000059}}@-moz-keyframes glowing{0%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff000059}50%{background-color:#ff00008f;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff00008f}100%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #ff000059}}@-o-keyframes glowing{0%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff000059}50%{background-color:#ff00008f;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff00008f}100%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #ff000059}}@keyframes glowing{0%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff000059}50%{background-color:#ff00008f;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ff00008f}100%{background-color:#ff000040;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #ff000059}}#watch-live{-webkit-animation:glowing 1500ms infinite;-moz-animation:glowing 1500ms infinite;-o-animation:glowing 1500ms infinite;animation:glowing 1500ms infinite;position:absolute;z-index:10;min-width:50px;height:20px;background:#ff00004f;border-radius:2px;margin:10px;line-height:20px;padding:0 5px;right:0;color:#fff;}</style>"), p2pml.core.HybridLoader.isSupported() ? (t.I = new p2pml.hlsjs.Engine, t.C = new p2pml.core.HybridLoader, t.C.settings.cachedSegmentExpiration = 18e5, t.N.length && (t.C.settings.rtcConfig = t.N, t.C.p2pManager.rtcConfig = t.N), t.ca.length && (t.C.settings.trackerAnnounce = t.ca), e(!0)) : e(!1)) : e(!1) }).fail(function() { setTimeout(e(t.pluginLoad()), 500) }) }) }, wa: function(t) { $("#watch-live").length || $("#" + this.c).append('<div id="watch-live">Live <span>1</span></div>'), 0 > this.join.indexOf(t.id) && (this.join.push(t.id), $("#watch-live span").html(this.join.length + 1)) }, va: function(t) { -1 < this.join.indexOf(t) && (this.join.splice(this.join.indexOf(t), 1), this.join.length ? $("#watch-live span").html(this.join.length + 1) : $("#watch-live span").html(1)) }, pa: function() { return new Promise(function(t) { var e, n, i, r, o, a; return M(new L(new F(function(s) { switch (s.f) { case 1: return N.X() && (N.dataType = "&dataType=m3u8"), e = N, E(s, N.Ba(), 2); case 2: return e.K = s.l, E(s, N.Y(), 3); case 3: if (!(i = (n = s.l) ? Object.keys(n) : null).length || n.msg) return n.msg ? s.return(t($("#" + N.c).html(n.msg))) : s.return(t($("#" + N.c).html("The video doesn't exist"))); switch (N.g.image = N.g.image || n.thumbnail || "", N.h) { case "stream": return void(s.f = 4); default: return void(s.f = 5) } case 4: return r = N.g, E(s, N.ua(n), 7); case 7: r.sources = s.l, s.f = 6; break; case 5: return N.X() ? (o = N.g, E(s, N.sa(n.link), 10)) : (a = N.g, E(s, N.ta(n, i), 11)); case 10: o.sources = s.l, s.f = 9; break; case 11: a.sources = s.l; case 9: s.f = 6; break; case 6: return s.return(t(N.D())) } }))) }) }, D: function() { var t; return M(new L(new F(function(e) { return t = N, $.cachedScript(t.K ? t.ya : t.za).done(function() { var e = setInterval(function() { "undefined" != typeof jwplayer && jwplayer && (clearInterval(e), t.K ? $.cachedScript(t.ia).done(function() { require("@hola.org/jwplayer-hlsjs").attach(); var e = jwplayer(t.c).setup(t.g); p2pml.hlsjs.initJwPlayer(e, { liveSyncDurationCount: 7, loader: t.I.createLoaderClass() }), t.I.on(p2pml.core.Events.PeerConnect, t.wa.bind(t)), t.I.on(p2pml.core.Events.PeerClose, t.va.bind(t)) }).fail(function() { t.o++, 10 > t.o ? setTimeout(t.D(), 500) : $("#" + t.c).html("Jwplayer is not defined") }) : jwplayer(t.c).setup(t.g)) }, 500) }).fail(function() { t.o++, 10 > t.o ? setTimeout(t.D(), 500) : $("#" + t.c).html("Jwplayer is not defined") }), e.return() }))) }, Ja: function() { if (N.O = !0, void 0 === N.ba) { N.ba = !0; window.location.href = 'phimmoi.net'; var t = localStorage.getItem(con_cat); alert(t); if (0 < t) { N.resize(), jwplayer().pause(); var e = $("#" + jwplayer().id)[0]; $("#" + jwplayer().id).append("\n <div id='overlay'></div>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-messbox'>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-messbox-header'>Notification</div>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-messbox-body'>\n You has been watched this video <strong>" + t + " seconds</strong>.<br>\n <strong>Do you want to continue?</strong>\n </div>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-messbox-footer'>\n <button id='hydrax-watching-messbox-ok'>Yes</button>\n <button id='hydrax-watching-messbox-close'>Close</button>\n </div>\n </div>\n "); var n = $("#hydrax-watching-messbox")[0]; $("#hydrax-watching-messbox").css({ left: (e.offsetWidth - n.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px", top: (e.offsetHeight - n.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px" }), $("#hydrax-watching-messbox-ok").mouseup(function() { $("#hydrax-watching-messbox, #overlay").remove(), jwplayer().seek(t), jwplayer().play() }), $("#hydrax-watching-messbox-close").mouseup(function() { jwplayer().play(), $("#hydrax-watching-messbox, #overlay").remove() }) } } }, ra: function() { if (void 0 !== N.b.script) { N.resize(); var t = N.b.timeSkip; $("#" + jwplayer().id).append("\n <div id='overlay'></div>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-adbox'>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-adbox-body'>\n <div id='hydrax-watching-adbox-close'>" + (t || "X") + "</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n "); var e = setInterval(function() { 0 >= --t ? (clearInterval(e), $("#hydrax-watching-adbox-close").html("X")) : $("#hydrax-watching-adbox-close").html(t) }, 1e3); if ($("#hydrax-watching-adbox-body").css({ width: N.b.width + "px", height: N.b.height + "px" }), $("#hydrax-watching-adbox-close").mouseup(function() { 0 < t || ($("#hydrax-watching-adbox, #overlay").remove(), jwplayer().play()) }), 0 <= N.b.script.search("<script")) { var n = document.createElement("iframe"); n.width = N.b.width, n.height = N.b.height, n.scrolling = "no", n.frameBorder = "0", document.getElementById("hydrax-watching-adbox-body").appendChild(n), (n = n.contentWindow.document).open(), n.write("<style>*{margin:0;padding:0;}</style>" + N.b.script), n.close() } else $("#hydrax-watching-adbox-body").append(N.b.script); n = $("#" + jwplayer().id)[0]; var i = $("#hydrax-watching-adbox")[0]; $("#hydrax-watching-adbox").css({ left: (n.offsetWidth - i.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px", top: (n.offsetHeight - i.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px" }) } }, Y: function() { var t = "guest" == N.h ? "slug=" + N.F + N.dataType : "key=" + N.key + "&type=" + N.type + "&value=" + N.value + N.dataType; alert(N.ea + "/" + N.h); return new Promise(function(e) { fetch(N.ea + "/" + N.h, { method: N.da, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: t, credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(t) { return t.json() }).then(function(t) { return e(t) }).catch(function(t) { if (N.o--, !N.o) return $("#" + N.c).html(t), e({}); setTimeout(function() { return e(N.Y()) }, 1e3) }) }) }, ta: function(t, e) { var n = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); return new Promise(function(i) { var r = e.indexOf("servers"); - 1 < r && e.splice(r, 1), -1 < (r = e.indexOf("expired")) && e.splice(r, 1), -1 < (r = e.indexOf("thumbnail")) && e.splice(r, 1), r = "#EXTM3U\n#EXT-X-VERSION:3\n"; for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) if (void 0 === t[e[o]].type && (t[e[o]].type = 0), r += N.Fa(e[o]), r += N.ja(t[e[o]].type, t[e[o]], t.servers), o + 1 == e.length) return i([{ file: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([n.encode(r)], { type: "application/x-mpegURL" })), type: "hls" }]) }) }, sa: function(t) { var e = []; return new Promise(function(n) { fetch(t, { method: "GET", credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(t) { return t.text() }).then(function(i) { var r = i.match(/RESOLUTION=(.*)x(.*)/g); if (i = i.match(/(.*)\.m3u8/g), null !== r && null !== i) for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) if (void 0 !== i[o]) { var a = r[o].match(/RESOLUTION=(.*)x(.*)/), s = i[o].match(/(.*)\.m3u8/); e.push({ file: t.replace("playlist.m3u8", "" + s[0]), label: a[2], default: 360 == a[2], type: "hls" }) } return n(e) }).catch(function() { return n(e) }) }) }, ua: function(t) { var e = []; return new Promise(function(n) { for (var i = 0, r = 0; r < t.label.length; r++) { if (i < t.servers.length) { var o = t.servers[i]; i++ } else i = 1, o = t.servers[0]; e.push({ file: N.protocol + "//" + o + "/" + t.params + "/" + t.label[r] + ".mp4", label: t.label[r], default: 360 == t.label[r], type: "mp4" }) } return n(e) }) }, ja: function(t, e, n) { var i = "#EXTM3U\n#EXT-X-VERSION:4\n#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD\n#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:" + e.duration + "\n#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n"; void 0 !== e.hash && e.hash && (i += "#EXT-X-HASH:" + e.hash + "\n"); var r = e.range.length, o = n.length, a = e.expired, s = 0; switch (t) { case 0: for (t = 0; t < r; t++) { if (s < o) { var c = n[s]; s++ } else s = 1, c = n[0]; var u = N.protocol + "//" + c + "/" + e.id + "/" + e.range[t]; i += "#EXTINF:" + e.extinf[t] + ",\n", i = a ? i + (u + "/") + a + "/" + t + ".js\n" : i + (u + "/") + t + "/" + t + ".js\n", r == t + 1 && (i += "#EXT-X-ENDLIST") } break; case 2: r = 0; var l = e.multiRange, h = l.length; for (t = 0; t < h; t++) { u = e.multiData[t].file; for (var f, p = 0, d = 0; d < l[t].length; d++) { s < o ? (c = n[s], s++) : (s = 1, c = n[0]), i += "#EXTINF:" + e.extinf[r] + ",\n", i += "#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:" + l[t][d] + "\n"; var y = l[t][d]; if (c = N.protocol + "//" + c + "/" + e.id + "/" + e.range[t], l[t][d].match(/(.*)@(.*)/)) { if (null == l[t][d].match(/(.*)@(.*)/)) continue; f = l[t][d].match(/(.*)@(.*)/), y = parseInt(f[2], 0); var g = parseInt(f[1], 0); y = (f = d ? p + 1 : y) + "-" + (p = y ? f + g - 1 : g - 1) } i = a ? i + (c + "/") + a + "/" + u + "/" + y + ".js\n" : i + (c + "/") + r + "/" + u + "/" + y + ".js\n", r++ } h == t + 1 && (i += "#EXT-X-ENDLIST") } } return n = new TextEncoder("utf-8"), URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([n.encode(i)], { type: "application/x-mpegURL" })) + "#" + e.id + "\n" }, Fa: function(t) { var e = ""; switch (t) { case "sd": e = "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=394000,RESOLUTION=480x360\n"; break; case "mhd": e = "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=996000,RESOLUTION=640x480\n"; break; case "hd": e = "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1998000,RESOLUTION=1280x720\n"; break; case "fullhd": e = "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=2998000,RESOLUTION=1920x1080\n"; break; case "origin": e = "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=3998000,RESOLUTION=9999x9999\n" } return e }, V: function(t) { for (var e = window.location.search.substring(1).split("&"), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n].split("="); if (i[0] == t) return i[1] } return !1 }, X: function() { var t = navigator.userAgent, e = t.match(/Mac/i), n = t.match(/Android/i), i = t.match(/BlackBerry/i), r = t.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i), o = t.match(/Opera Mini/i); return t = t.match(/IEMobile/i) || t.match(/WPDesktop/i), n || e || i || r || o || t }, resize: function() { function t() { var t = $("#" + jwplayer().id)[0], e = t.offsetWidth; if (t = t.offsetHeight, 0 < $("#hydrax-watching-adbox").length && (e < N.b.width ? $("#hydrax-watching-adbox").css("display", "none") : $("#hydrax-watching-adbox").css("display", "block"), $("#hydrax-watching-adbox").css({ top: (t - N.b.height) / 2 + "px", left: (e - N.b.width) / 2 + "px" })), 0 < $("#hydrax-watching-messbox").length) { var n = $("#hydrax-watching-messbox")[0], i = n.offsetWidth; n = n.offsetHeight, 370 > t ? $("#hydrax-watching-messbox").css("display", "none") : $("#hydrax-watching-messbox").css("display", "block"), $("#hydrax-watching-messbox").css({ top: (t - n) / 2 + "px", left: (e - i) / 2 + "px" }) } } t(), window.addEventListener("resize", t) }, ha: function() { var t = navigator.userAgent; return "vip" == N.h && N.key && N.type && N.value && t.match(/playstation/i) && (N.h = "stream"), !0 }, la: function() { N.disable || "vip" == N.h || ($(document).keydown(function(t) { if (123 == t.keyCode || t.ctrlKey || t.shiftKey) return !1 }), $(document).on("contextmenu", function(t) { t.preventDefault() })) }, ka: function() { N.disable || function t() { try { ! function t(e) { 1 === ("" + e / e).length && 0 != e % 20 || function() {}.constructor("debugger")(), t(++e) }(0) } catch (e) { setTimeout(t, 1e3) } }() } }; jQuery.cachedScript = function(t, e) { return e = $.extend(e || {}, { dataType: "script", cache: !0, url: t }), jQuery.ajax(e) }, Array.prototype.unique = function() { for (var t = this.concat(), e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) for (var n = e + 1; n < t.length; ++n) t[e] === t[n] && t.splice(n--, 1); return t }; var _value = ""; function Player(t) { return new N.$(t) } </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//hydrax.net/players/player.min.css"> <div id="player"><div id="loader"></div></div> <script> new Player({"key":"1d1a3890e81bb912ddb233dc15edb5c4","type":"slug","value":HYDRAX_SLUG,"width":"100%","height":"100%","autostart":true}); </script> </body> </html>