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Server : Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/7.4.20
System : Linux st2.domain.com 3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 3 14:28:03 UTC 2020 x86_64
User : apache ( 48)
PHP Version : 7.4.20
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Directory :  /var/www/html/thietkewebvumi.com/lang/

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current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Current File : /var/www/html/thietkewebvumi.com/lang/en.php
$lang = array (
    'baivietkhac' => 'Same Category',
    'guidi' => 'Send apply',
    'tentrungtam'=>'iEnglish Academy',
    'guitinnhan' => 'Apply now',
    'gioithieu' => 'About',
    'vieclam' => 'Jobs',
    'lienhe' => 'Contact us',
    'tintucvakhuyenmai' => 'News & Promotions',
    'chuongtrinh' => 'Programs',
    'lydochon' => 'Why study here?',
    'renluyen' => 'Creative Thinking',

    'sangtao' => 'Creativity',
    'giaotiep' => 'Intercultural communication',
    'tuhoc' => 'Self-reflection',
    'hoptac' => 'Collaboration',
    'nutdangky'=>'ENROLL & ENQUIRE',
    'keuhoc'=>'Come to learn English in Nha Trang at iEnglish Academy!',
'linhvuchoatdong' => 'Bussiness fields',
'sanpham'      => 'Products',
'gioithieu'    => 'About us',
'phone'        => 'Phone',
'linhkien'     => 'Accessories',

'moinhat'      => 'lastest',
'nhanmail'     => 'Newsletter',
'congtytnhh'   => ' <h1>Welcome to Wooree Vina Co., Ltd.</h1>',
'tintucmoinhat' => ' Lastest News',
'danhmucsanpham' => 'Product Categories',
'danhmuctintuc' => 'News Categories',
'cactinkhac' => 'Other News',
'chonngonngu'  => 'Choose a language',
'guiluc'      => 'Post at',
'tintuckhac' => 'Other news',
'xemtatca'  => 'View All',
'guidi'  =>  ' Send ',
'timkiem'      => 'Search',
'timnangcao'   => 'Search Adv',
'timkiemtren'  => 'Search By',
'tukhoanong'  => 'Hot keyword',
'duongdaynong'  => 'Hot line',
'ykiencuaban'   => 'Your Comment',
'cungchungloai'  => 'Sample Category',
'boi'          => 'By',
'luc'          => 'At ',
'diachicongty' => 'Company Name:  	Wooree Vina Co. , Ltd <br />
Address: 	Street No. 1 Of Nhon Trach Industrial Zone, Nhon Trach, Dongnai, Vietnam<br />
Tel: 	0084-61-3560859<br />
Fax: 	0084-61-3560858<br />
Zip Code: 	8461<br />
Homepage: 	<a href="http://www.wooreevina.vn">http://www.wooreevina.vn</a><br />
Contact Person: 	Mr. Eric phuong',
'chitietlienhe' => 'Contact Detail',
// Common --------------------------------------
'loaiwebsite'  => 'Type of Website you want to design?',
'dichvuweb'    => 'WEB services',
'diachiweb'   =>  'Please provide website addresses of companies and industries with you.',
'webdoithu'   => 'Website of the competitors',
'mucdichweb'   =>  'Purpose design your website?',
'mauweb'      => 'Color you preferred - the website that you like best.',
'mucdich'     =>  'Aim',
'mauwebsite'   => 'Website Available',
'moduleweb'    =>  'The child module you want in your Website',
'themmodule'  => 'Other Modules',
'chiphi'  => 'Please give us an estimate of budget and time for your wesite. <br>
   Or anything else we need to know to design this project for you',
   'chiphikhac'   => 'Budget time and other notes',
   'toidadoc'   => 'I have read and agree to the terms on',
   'luuy'       => 'Note all quotes are valid for 30 days',
   'nhapma'    => 'Please enter the code below to help us protect against spam',
   'mabaove'   => 'Security Code',
   'loimabaove'  => 'You entered the wrong security code',
   'goiyeucau' => 'Send request',
   'chanthanhcamon' => 'Thank, we will contact you as soon as. Here is the information you sent to us:',

'decapnhat' => 'easily updateable',
'nhieuchucnang' => 'functionality in a box',
'baomat'      => 'provides more security<br /> and peace of mind',
'emailban'    => 'Your email',
'thietkeweb'  => 'WEB DESIGN',
'nangcapweb'  => 'UPGRADE WEB',
'baotriweb'   => 'MAINTENANCE',
'tenmien'     =>  'DOMAIN',
'host'     =>  'HOSTING',
'dangtai'    => 'Loading',
'xindoi'    => 'Please waiting',

'vechungtoi'  =>  'ABOUT US',
'nangluc'     =>  'ABILITY',

'nguoigoi'    => 'Sender',
'loicamon' =>   'GT Design Center we want to meet you the best. <br>
     Join ask questions that you are in question here. <br>

'chaomung' => 'Welcome back',
'quykhach' => 'Guest',
'chon' => 'Select',
'cungnhom' => 'Same Category',
'xemhet' => 'View all',
'co'					=>		'Yes',
'khong'					=>		'No',
'bancochac'	=>	'Are you sure',
'trangchu'      		=> 		'Home',
'thongtinlienlac'      	=> 		'Address',
'vuilongdoi' 			=> 		'Click here if you dont want to wait',
'dangchuyen' 			=> 		'Redirecting...',
'thank' 				=> 		'Thank you',
'dadang' 				=> 		'Posted',
'senderror' 			=> 		'There was an error. Please try again',
'chitiet' 				=> 		'Read More',
'datmua' 				=> 		'Order',
'thongtincanbiet' 		=> 		'Infomations',
'dienthoaicanbiet' 		=> 		'Hot line',
'khac' 					=> 		'others',
'tinmoinhat' 			=> 		'Latest News',
'spmoinhat' 			=> 		'Latest Products',
'spkhuyenmai' 			=> 		'Sales Products',
// Login Form ----------------------------
'dangky'		=>		'Signup',
'thoat'					=>		'Logout',
'dangnhap'				=>		'Login',
'tendangnhap'			=>		'Username',
'matkhau' 				=> 		'Pass',
'welcomeguest' 			=> 		'Welcome Guest',
'welcomeuser' 			=> 		'Welcome',
'dangnhapsai'			=>		'Incorrect Username or Password',
'dangkythanhcong'			=>		'Register successful',
'dodaimatkhau'			=>		'Password Lenght must be more than 4 characters',
'dinhdangmatkhau'			=>		'Password must be alphabet and numberic characters',
'xacnhanmatkhau'			=>		'Validate Password is not match',
'doimatkhau'			=>		'Change password',
'taikhoan'			=>		'Account',
'ngaydangky'			=>		'Reg Date',
'matkhaucu'			=>		'Current Password',
'matkhaumoi'			=>		'New Password',
'nhaplaimatkhau'			=>		'Validate new password',
'quenmatkhau'			=>		'Forgot pass',
'emailkhongco'			=>		'This email is not in out database',
'matkhaudaduocgoiden'			=>		'Password has been sent to email',
'vuilongkiemtraemail'			=>		'Please check your email',
// Button ------------------------------
'submit' 				=> 		'Submit',
'reset'					=>		'Reset',
// Cac Menu ----------------------------
'tintuc'				=>		'News',
'sanpham'				=>		'Products',
'giaiphap'				=>		'Solutions',
'banggia'				=>		'Price List',
'lienket'				=>		'Links',
'duan'					=>		'Projects',
'tinmoinhat'			=>		'Lastest News',
// Form lien he --------------------
'hoten'					=>		'Name',
'diachi'				=>		'Address',
'dienthoai'				=>		'Phone',
'email'					=>		'Email',
'tieude'				=>		'Title',
'noidung'				=>		'Content',
'dienvaomauduoi'		=>		'Please fill in the form below',
'dausaobatbuoc'			=>		'Please correct the field with asterik (*).',
'camon'					=>		'Thank you.',
// Form ban be ----------------------
'emailbanbe'            =>      'EMAIL TO FRIEND',
'goilinkchobanbe'		=>		'SEND LINK TO A FRIEND',
'bandanggoilink'		=>		'You are sending the link',
'tutrang'				=>		'From website',
'chobancuaban'			=>		'to your friend',
'tenban'				=>		'Your name',
'emailcuaban'			=>		'Your email',
'emailnguoinhan'		=>		'Friend\'s email',
'dienvaomau'            => 'Please fill out the form below',
'loinhan'				=>		'Message',
'xoa'                    =>      'Reset',
'goi'                    =>          'Send',
// Detail Form -------------------------
'trove'					=>		'Go Back',
'banin'					=>		'Print Page',
'phanhoi'		=>		'Feedback',
'goichoban'				=>		'Email to Friend',
'vedautrang'			=>		'Top',
'tinkhac'   => 'OTHER NEWS',
// some new
'cacdongsanpham'		=>		'Products',
'luottruycap'			=>		'Hits',
'banquyen'				=>		'Copyrighted',
'congty'				=>		'-',
'thietke'				=>		'Designed and Developed by',
// san pham moi
'tensp'					=>		'Product Name',
'thongsosp'				=>		'Product Features',
'chitietsp'				=>		'Product Details',
'masp'					=>		'Code',
'trongluongsp'			=>		'Weight',
'giasp'					=>		'Price',
'baohanh'				=>		'Waranty',
'datmuasp'				=>		'Product Ordering',
'soluongsp'				=>		'Quantity',
// module lang
'mtrangchu'				=>		'HOME',
'mgioithieu'		=>	         'ABOUT US',
'mtintuc'				=>		'NEWS',
'msanpham'				=>		'PRODUCTS',
'mdichvu'				=>		'SERVICES',
'mkhachhang'            =>      'CUSTOMMER',
'mlienhe'				=>		'CONTACT',
'mthietke'				=>		'ORDER',
'mhoidap'				=>		'CONSULTANTS',
'mbanbe'				=>		'Send a Friend',
'mdangnhap'				=>		'Login',
'minan'					=>		'Print',
'mtrang'				=>		'Page',

'mcuahang'				=>		'Agencies',

'mtour'					=>		'Tour',
'mdanhlam'				=>		'Beautiful Places',
'mkhachsan'				=>		'Hotels',
'mtuvan'				=>		'Consultants',
'mbanggia'		=>	'Price List',
'msanphamxuatkhau'		=>	'Exporting Products',
'mmaychothue'		=>	'For Rent',
'mlinhkien'		=>	'Ink-Accessories',
'mhotro'		=>	'Support Online',

// module images
'itrangchu'		=>		'<img src=images/trangchu_en.gif>',
'idichvu'		=>		'<img src=images/dichvu_en.gif>',
'ikhachhang'		=>		'<img src=images/khachhang_en.gif>',
'ibanggia'		=>		'<img src=images/banggia_en.gif>',
'itintuc'				=>		'<img src=images/tintuc_en.gif>',
'isanpham'				=>		'<img src=images/sanpham_en.gif>',
'ilienhe'				=>		'<img src=images/lienhe_en.gif>',
'ibanbe'				=>		'<img src=images/banbe_en.gif>',
'idangnhap'				=>		'<img src=images/dangnhap_en.gif>',
'iinan'					=>		'<img src=images/inan_en.gif>',
'itrang'				=>		'About Us',
'itimkiem'				=>		'<img src=images/timkiem_en.gif>',
'imailing'				=>		'Subscribe to our mailing',
'ituvan'		=>		'<img src=images/tuvan_en.gif>',
'igioithieu'		=>		'<img src=images/gioithieu_en.gif>',
'idathang'		=>		'<img src=images/dathang_en.gif>',
'iphukien'		=>		'<img src=images/phukien_en.gif>',

// San pham
'otherprod'				=>		'Same Category',
'xuatxu'				=>		'Made in',
// boxes ----------------------
'thoitiet'				=>		'Weather',
'giavang'				=>		'Gold price',
'chungkhoan'			=>		'Stocks',
'tigia'					=>		'Exchanges',
'canhsat'				=>		'Police',
'cuuhoa'				=>		'Fire',
'cuuthuong'				=>		'Emergency',
'tongdai'				=>		'Operators',
// -------------------------
'norec'					=>		'No Record.',
// --------- Whois ------------------------------------------------------------------
'domain'				=>		'Domain',
'checkdomain'			=>		'Check',
'tooshort'				=>		'Domain name must be not too short',
'toolong'				=>		'Domain name must be not to long',
'space'					=>		'Domain name must be not contains spaces',
'char'					=>		'Domain name must be not contains special chars extensions',
'ketquatrave'			=>		'Results',
'ghichuketqua'			=>		'Domain names with line-through are unavailable.',
// --------- feedback form ------------------------------------------------------------------
'loiten'				=>		'Please enter your name!',
'loidiachi'				=>		'Please enter your address',
'loidienthoai'			=>		'Please enter your phone number',
'loiemail'				=>		'Are your email corrected ?',
'loitieude'		=>		'Please enter the title !',
'loiemailbanbe'		=>		'Please enter your friends email',
// -----------------------
'gioithieuform'			=>		'This website planner forms the foundation of your website strategy. The effort in careful planning 	benefits you in cost savings. It also benefits us as web designers by being able to give us an accurate assessment of your needs. In other words it takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.',
// -----------------------
'diennhieuvao'			=>		'Complete as much as you can  save it - and return it to sales@ncom.com.vn',
'thongtinlienhe'				=>		'Contact Info',
    'guilienhe' => 'Get in touch',
'tencongty'				=>		'Company Name',
'didong'				=>		'Mobile',
'diachiwebsite'			=>		'Current Website Address',
'datcauhoi'			=>		'Ask questions',
'chonthemchitiet'		=>		'If you want to give us more details please click to open other categories below:',
'loinoidung'		=>		'Please enter the content',
'chitietdoanhnghiep'	=>		'Business/Organisation Details',
'motadoanhnghiep'		=>		'Business/Organization Description',
'nganhnghekinhdoanh'	=>		'What does your business do? What are your products/services?',
'thitruongmuctieu'		=>		'Target Market',
'banchoai'				=>		'Who uses your products/services',
'diabanthitruong'		=>		'Market Geography',
'thitruongnao'			=>		'Is your market local only, state wide, national or international?',
'quymodoanhnghiep'		=>		'Business/Organization Size',
'sonhanvien'			=>		'How many employees/members?',
'tuoidoanhnghiep'		=>		'Business/Organization Age',
'thanhlapkhinao'		=>		'How long have you been in business or been established?',
'vaitrointernet'		=>		'Internet Role',
'kinhdoanhinternet'		=>		'Is your business internet based only?',
'canhtranh'				=>		'Competition',
'doithucanhtranh'		=>		'Who are your competitors? List their website addresses if known and any comments.',
// Search -----------------------------------
'stimkiem'				=>		'Search',
'btim'				=>		'Search',
'nhaptukhoa'			=>		'Enter keyword',
'timtrongmuc'			=>		'Search in',
'timtukhoa'				=>		'Keyword',
'ketquatimkiem'			=>		'Search Results',
'ssothutu'			=>		'No',
'snhom'				=>		'Group',
'sten'			=>		'Title',
'snorec'				=>		'No result found for',
'stimlai'			=>		'Please correct the keyword or use blank keyword for viewing all.',
'schonloaisp'			=>		'Select Groups',
'schonhang'			=>		'Select Brands',
'schongia'			=>		'Select Prices',
'duoi2t'			=>		'< 100 USD',
'23t'			=>		'100 - 200 USD',
'35t'			=>		'200 - 300 USD',
'tren5t'			=>		'> 300 USD',
'duoi2tvalue'			=>		'0|100',
'23tvalue'			=>		'100|200',
'35tvalue'			=>		'200|300',
'tren5tvalue'			=>		'300|3000000',
// News Letter -----------------------------------
'dangkynhanmail'		=>		'News Letter',
'nhapemail'				=>		'Enter Your Email',
'kiemtralaiemail'				=>		'Enter a valid email',
'dathememail'				=>		'The email address',
'davaodanhsach'				=>		'have been added into our mailing list',
'emaildatontai'				=>		'existing in our mailing list',
// Order Form -----------------------------------
'oStt'		=>		'No',
'oTenhang'				=>		'Product',
'oDonvi'				=>		'Unit',
'oGia'				=>		'Price',
'oSoluong'				=>		'Quantity',
'oSoluongphaibangso'				=>		'Please enter quantity in number',
'oBanphaichonsp'				=>		'Please select a product',
'oCamonbandadathang'		=>		'Thank you for your ordering!',
'oMaudathangso'				=>		'Order No',
'oNgay'				=>		'Date',
'oInhoadon'				=>		'Print Order',
'oGiachuacoVAT'				=>		'The Prices above are not included VAT',
'oThongtincongty'				=>		'Company Infomations',
'oThongtinkhachhang'				=>		'Customer Infomations',
'oThanhtien'				=>		'L.Price',
'oTongcong'				=>		'Total',
'oHinh'				=>		'Picture',
'oTonggiatri'				=>		'Gross Total',
'oTuychoncapnhat'			=>		'Enter value 0 into quantity box to delete product',
'oBanchuadangnhap'			=>		'You are not logged in',
'oBandalakhachhang'			=>		'You are our customer already',
'oBanchualakhachhang'			=>		'You are not our customer',
'oDangky'			=>		'Be our customer to get special offers',
// Shoping Cart -----------------------------------
'cartGiohang'		=>		'Shopping Cart',
'cartSoluong'				=>		'Qty',
'cartSanpham'				=>		'Prods',
'cartClear'				=>		'Clear',
'cartCheckout'				=>		'Check Out',
'cartTigia'				=>		'Current Exchange Rate',
'cartTrong'				=>		'Your shopping cart is empty',
'infocart'		=>		'Information Cart',
// Accessories -----------------------------------
'amaso'		=>		'Code',
'atenphukien'				=>		'Name',
'asudungcho'				=>		'Used for',
'adonggoi'				=>		'Packed',
'agiaban'				=>		'Price',
'adathang'				=>		'Order',
'datthietke'   => 'ORDER',
'mauthietke'   => 'WEB TEMPLATE',
'mauwebflash'   => 'FLASH TEMPLATE',
'dienvaomau'   =>  'Please fill out the quote request below. We will contact you as soon as.',


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